Hello, my friends and family: Last December 23rd, I received my complimentary copy of my book. It is called "God's Potpourri of Love" and is filled with inspirational poems as well as other poems. I was so excited that I immediately ordered more copies to give to my family as Christmas gifts. Everyone who has read it has really enjoyed it. One of my friends in Pennsylvania told me she has read it twice and plans on reading it again. That makes my old heart glad.
My main objective in writing a book such as this is to draw Christians a little closer to their Creator. Sometimes we tend to wander a bit off the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life. Everyone does it now and then. Perhaps one of my poems will hit that special place in a readers heart and will cause him/her to think about their spiritual whereabouts. If my words draw them a little closer to God, then I have fulfilled my purpose in writing the book.
There are "other" types of poems in the book to consider also. There are three poems about buses or bus drivers that are quite humorous. There is a poem about war, one about being a mechanics daughter, nature poems, seasonal poems, a poem about a young juvenile boy, and many other poems that may tickle your funny bone or get you to thinking about serious matters. As I stated on the back cover (which has my picture), this is a book to be "enjoyed with your favorite beverage of choice, sitting in a comfortable chair or beside a loved one in a quiet setting. Good poetry links heart to heart, mind to mind, and promotes an understanding that heightens spiritual love." It is m y hope that reading this book will brighten your day, lift your spirit and cause you to appreciate each and every moment God has given you. God bless you and your day.
I love the Butter Churn poem. It brings back memories of my grandmother. I have one of her churns. So many of the poems in your lovely book stir up good memories and are chock full of encouragement and praise for our Lord. What a blessing!