Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The "c" spot

I found out this afternoon that the spot on the back of my right arm is early stage melanoma. It was just a small dark spot that came there in the last six months. Nothing unusual about it but still, it seemed strange that it suddenly appeared. It was flat to the skin, no bumps, no discoloration. But when the doctor examined my entire body for possible cancer spots, that was the one she took a biopsy of. Today came the dreaded call to inform me that it was definitely something to be concerned about. The doctor made an appointment immediately to have another larger sample excised to determine how much tissue is involved. I go see another cancer surgeon on May 11th at 9 a.m. Now I have something to be concerned about. I had a great aunt who died of massive melanoma of her face and head. I recall when I first met her as a very young child, seeing silvery-white scars on her forehead and on the backs of her hands. I thought she had gotten burned, that's how bad the scars looked to me. In my middle years I learned that Aunt Hazel died without a nose or lips on her face. The terrible disease just ate her up. What a horrible way to die. My dear belated mother had eight pre-cancerous spots taken off of her face over the years. I was with her with each trip to the doctors office. It seems it's my turn now to begin seeing the dermatologists more regularly now that I have my first "c" case. Heredity gets you whether you are looking for it or not. I'm wondering when I will have an asthma attack since that was also one of my dear mother's malady's. My dear grandfather died of emphysema due to accute asthma. Mother had to keep an inhaler with her at all times in her last few years of life. These things I've mentioned are only a few of the probable diseases on my mother's side that I may have inherited. I won't even mention those I've inherited from my dearly departed father. Between the two of them I have to take nine perscription medicines. I'm a "high maintenance" woman. God knew what He was doing when I married a soldier with good health insurance. I've put it to good use over our 55 years together. God is so good to us. I am not going to be one of those women who feels sorry for myself. I know in my heart that God is directing my path and it will be the right one for me. He does not make mistakes. I pray for the inner strength to walk the paths that are before me, keeping Jesus always in my sight. One never knows what is ahead, but God can see the end from the beginning so I must let Him be my Guide. The word for today is: PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! God bless you all. Evelyn